Pig Run

    This is a moving pig animation shows a pig in action, demonstrating running movements. This animation shows a pig running across the screen, showing its riding motions with a colorful and cheerful presentation, as well as bacon and eggs that move as the pig runs. I use animation software, specifically Adobe Animate. Check out the video below: 

    I have learned how to accurately present a convincing movements in the animation as well as learning animation principles such as timing and spacing. Probably, the challenges i have faced is to let the pig run through the background, i mean it is not required or shown in the tutorial but, for me it is appealing to add extra movements. To carefully address this problem i explore the software application.  



Howdy, learners I'm Evelyn M. Gonzales your teacher for this learning site. This learning material would be your guide in exploring the nature of mathematics in the modern world. Math or mathematics is a subject that is common to us, unfortunately not all of us are interested in learning. Let this be your sign to view the world of computation. Math is beauty, an art, and is a powerful tool for global understanding and communication. It promotes healthy brain function and it is a mental playground in which your imagination enhances. Let me leave this saying "The study of mathematics makes you better at solving problems". So, lets learn and study to grow, God bless and have a great day learners.

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