Animating a doll


    This doll animation is the act of bringing a doll to life through movement. This animation concept typically emphasizes on animating a doll's actions. The animation depicts a doll completing an action by moving its head. Again the tool used in creating this animated doll is a software animation which is adobe animate. Check the sample video below: 

    For this activity, I learned the necessity of using animation principles such as timing, position, and staging to bring the doll to life through realistic and expressive movements. Same to the jellyfish it has a lot of steps needed to achieve the acquired movement. For me it is challenging, in addressing this challenge I let myself examine the processes to correctly make the doll's moving head.



Howdy, learners I'm Evelyn M. Gonzales your teacher for this learning site. This learning material would be your guide in exploring the nature of mathematics in the modern world. Math or mathematics is a subject that is common to us, unfortunately not all of us are interested in learning. Let this be your sign to view the world of computation. Math is beauty, an art, and is a powerful tool for global understanding and communication. It promotes healthy brain function and it is a mental playground in which your imagination enhances. Let me leave this saying "The study of mathematics makes you better at solving problems". So, lets learn and study to grow, God bless and have a great day learners.

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